“Love a bit of bear on bear knuckle dragging” – Hilarious video of two marches colliding

Lisbon Lions Stand, Celtic Park

So not only do they hate Catholics, Irish and anyone that doesn’t agree with their culture, they hate each other as well.

The 12th July is a stain on modern society and you would think that with shared views, these peepo would have celebrated ‘ar kultcha’ together in harmony?

Not so.

Have you ever wondered what happens when two of these hate marches collide?

Do they party? Do they welcome each other? Do the beat each others drums?

Nah, they just hate some more. Just on each other.

Check out this mess:

It was like two families of ducks having a square go. Awful but captivating at the same time.

They both have the same culture. Same songs. Same beliefs.

Clearly they don’t share the same Google maps.


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