“Many of our fans are absolute frauds”, “Another thread of sh***” – Follow Follow blue on blue as fans turn on their own

Ibrox Stadium

Of all the reasons they could have come up with to get angry at losing the biggest game in their ten year history, I genuinely never thought this could have been one of them.

If it was me, I would have asked questions about starting with no striker. Or subbing a striker on only to sub him back off when it came to penalties? Or why did Goldson not clear it for their equaliser? Or even why did the fans need to complete a Saving Private Ryan mission as Kent seemed to go missing against the Germans, especially at the penalties.

But no. The fans choose this most important aspect to get angry at.


Yep. They are raging at their own for leaving the stadium at the end. They are raging that their own fans, who had flights to catch, never had any water for over three hours in baking heat left the stadium at the end of the penalties.

Talk about blame kulchur.

This thread on Follow Follow is just bonkers:

Rangers Champions (needs to think about a name change here) put: “My only disappointment after tonight is that every Rangers fan should have stayed and applauded the team for there efforts when they went to collect there medals and the amazing run they have had.

The bit looked empty as they went up.

They made us dream.

They made us proud.

Staunch as f***!! Right?

Of course it was but some of his fellow ‘bears’ were not happy:

WTF is this patter all about?

Raging aren’t they!

One thought on ““Many of our fans are absolute frauds”, “Another thread of sh***” – Follow Follow blue on blue as fans turn on their own

  1. The grammar from the original post is, quite frankly, appalling. The incorrect use of there and their is very sore on the eye.

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